Our data includes data for 130 countries grouped into 6 geographical regions based on the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. The parameters could also be grouped using WHO´s epidemiological subregions.
WHO definitions of regions are available here.
A list of countries by region is available at “Country List.xlsx” To access the list in English, go to tab named “Lang”. Cell C2 should say “eng”
- African Region (AFRO)
- Americas Region (AMRO)
- South-East Asia Region (SEARO)
- European Region (EURO)
- Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO)
- Western Pacific Region (WPRO)
WHO definition of regions
WHO regions: WHO Member States are grouped into 6 geographical regions: AFRO (Africa), AMRO (Americas), EMRO (Eastern Mediterranean), EURO (Europe), SEARO (South-East Asia) and WPRO (Western Pacific).

WHO Regions
WHO subregions
The 6 WHO regions are further divided based on patterns of child and adult mortality in groups ranging from A (lowest) to E (highest) as follows:
[table id=2 /]